UI/UX Pro: Exclusive Design Website/Dashboard/Mobile Apps


Hello, I'm Avira Maulani, a seasoned UI/UX Designer with over two years of industry experience. Proficient in ideation, wireframing, and crafting high-fidelity designs, my expertise spans various platforms. > I offer tailored services: 1. Strategic UI/UX Creation: Developing interfaces and experiences from scratch. 2. Revitalizing Existing Apps: Transforming applications for enhanced functionality. 3. Elevating User Experience: Implementing improvements for an optimal user journey. I leverage my skills for seamless designs, adapting to diverse project needs. Access to wireframes/sketches, logo/color palettes, and references expedites the process. Flexibility extends to custom workflows and pricing structures, aligning with your specific requirements. Excited about contributing to your project's success.✨

Langkah PekerjaanUntuk UI/UX Pro: Exclusive Design Website/Dashboard/Mobile Apps

  • 1. Initial Discussion and Price Negotiation
  • 2. Gathering Materials: Images and Copywriting

Harga paket untuk UI/UX Pro: Exclusive Design Website/Dashboard/Mobile Apps

Basic Package

Rp180,0 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 3 hari

One-Page Design (Website/Dashboard/Mobile Apps) - Base price starting at 180,000/ page - Design using Figma Includes: 1. Wireframe 2. Foundations 3. Components 4. Vectors 5. Mockups 6. Files: Fig and (.PDF/ .PNG/ .JPG/ .SVG) 7. Prototyping (if needed) 8. Responsive Design 9. Up to 2x Revisions Excludes: 1. Additional Revisions: 10,000/ revision *Note: Completion time may be expedited from the specified duration.

Intermediate Package

Rp210,0 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 5 hari

Crafting 3 pages (Website/Dashboard/Mobile Apps) - Base price starting at 210,000/ page - Design using Figma Includes: 1. Wireframe 2. Foundations 3. Components 4. Vectors 5. Mockups 6. Files: Fig and (.PDF/ .PNG/ .JPG/ .SVG) 7. Prototyping (if needed) 8. Responsive Design 9. Up to 3x Revisions Excludes: 1. Additional Revisions: 10,000/ revision *Note: Completion time may be expedited from the specified duration.

Premium Package

Rp4,0 jt
Waktu pengerjaan 30 hari

Crafting Comprehensive Solutions for 5+ Pages (Website/Dashboard/Mobile Apps) Base price: IDR 4,000,000/project Design with Figma Includes: 1. User Flow 2. Wireframe 3. Foundations 4. Components 5. Vectors 6. Mockups 7. Files: Fig and (.PDF/.PNG/.JPG/.SVG) 8. Prototyping (if needed) 9. Responsive Design 10. Up to 8x Revisions Excludes: 1. Additional Revisions: IDR 10,000/revision *Note: - Completion time may be expedited. - Price excludes state and application complexity levels.

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