Shopify Store Development for Your Own Products


If you already have your own products, I can create a professional and visually appealing Shopify store tailored to your needs. Your store will be responsive, user-friendly, and ready for sales. Depending on your selected package, I will also assist in uploading your products to the store to get you started quickly and hassle-free. Packages: Basic Package 1. Website development with a clean, simple design. 2. Help uploading 5 of your products. Standard Package 1. Website development with a more polished and professional design. 2. Help uploading 15 of your products. Premium Package 1. Website development with a premium, feature-rich design. 2. Help uploading 30 of your products. What’s Included: 1. Mobile-friendly, responsive design. 2. Navigation menus, categories, and homepage setup. 3. Basic product descriptions and images provided by you. What’s Not Included: 1. Product sourcing. 2. Payment gateway setup. 3. Marketing or SEO services.

Langkah PekerjaanUntuk Shopify Store Development for Your Own Products

  • 1. Diskusi Awal: Klien memberikan informasi tentang kebutuhan mereka, seperti nama toko, niche produk, atau tema desain yang diinginkan.
  • 2. Persiapan dan Penentuan Detail: Klien memberikan data yang diperlukan, seperti logo, deskripsi produk, gambar produk, dan informasi lainnya.

Harga paket untuk Shopify Store Development for Your Own Products

Basic Package

Rp4,5 jt
Waktu pengerjaan 7 hari

The Basic Package is perfect for small businesses or startups that want a simple and professional Shopify store. I will design a clean, minimalist website that’s easy to navigate and optimized for all devices. Additionally, I’ll help you upload up to 5 of your products, ensuring your store is ready to go live quickly.

Standard Package

Rp8,0 jt
Waktu pengerjaan 14 hari

The Standard Package offers a more refined Shopify store design with professional elements to showcase your products effectively. This package is ideal for businesses with a larger inventory, as I will help you upload up to 15 products and ensure a polished user experience.

Premium Package

Rp15,0 jt
Waktu pengerjaan 30 hari

The Premium Package is the best choice for businesses looking for a feature-rich Shopify store with advanced design elements. I’ll create a professional store with premium features, helping you upload up to 30 products and ensuring your store is ready to impress customers.

Ulasan dari pembeli
Pekerjakan freelancer ini dan berikan tinjauan
Langkah 1 : Chat dengan freelancer

Diskusi tentang Detail dan Ringkasan pekerjaan yang Anda inginkan dengan freelancer. Anda belum akan dikenakan biaya

Langkah 2: Sepakati Pekerjaan dan Pembayaran

Setuju untuk mempekerjakan dengan meminta penawaran dari freelancer. Periksa detail dan lakukan pembayaran untuk mulai bekerja.

Langkah 3: Freelancer mengirimkan hasil dan pemberi kerja menyetujui pekerjaan tersebut

Ketika freelancer menyerahkan pekerjaan akhir untuk menyelesaikan kontrak, pemberi kerja dapat memeriksanya terlebih dahulu. Pemberi kerja bisa memeriksa dan meminta untuk revisi atau menyetujui hasil tersebut sesuai kesepakatan.


Platform Fastwork adalah pihak perantara yang akan menyimpan uang pemberi kerja sebagai keamanan dan freelancer akan mendapatkan uang setelah pemberi kerja menyetujuinya.