Logo Design and Social Media Graphic Design


Welcome to my graphic design portfolio! I am thrilled to present a curated collection of my creative work and showcase my passion for visual storytelling through design. As a dedicated graphic designer, I strive to create compelling and engaging designs that captivate audiences, communicate messages effectively, and leave a lasting impact. Throughout my career as a graphuc designer with more then 4 years of experience in the state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and eSports Company, I have honed my skills in various design disciplines, including logo design, print materials, web design, and digital marketing graphics. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of design principles, I am committed to delivering high-quality, visually stunning, and purpose-driven designs that exceed client expectations.

Langkah PekerjaanUntuk Logo Design and Social Media Graphic Design

  • 1. Understand Client's Objectives, The goal is to thoroughly understand the client's goals, target audience, and project requirements. such as typography, imagery, and layout, clearly convey the intended message and engage the target audience.
  • 2. Create Impactful Visual, Graphic designers aim to create designs that effectively communicate the intended message to the audience.

Harga paket untuk Logo Design and Social Media Graphic Design

Simple Design Type (1+1 Design Type)

Rp220,0 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 3 hari

Message me first! personal use, text only design with 2 or 3 basic shape and icons, 2 colors mix, and revision can only be done twice

Fully Costumized Design (3+1 Design Type)

Rp440,0 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 2 hari

Message me first! commercial use, fully costumized design, with costum icon, and free color requests and can only make revisions for 4 days after the results are received

Fast Delivery (5+1 Design Type)

Rp620,0 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 1 hari

Message me first! commercial use, fully costumized design, with costum icon, and free color requests, done in one days, and free revisions for 7 days + 1 day

Ulasan dari pembeli
Pekerjakan freelancer ini dan berikan tinjauan
Langkah 1 : Chat dengan freelancer

Diskusi tentang Detail dan Ringkasan pekerjaan yang Anda inginkan dengan freelancer. Anda belum akan dikenakan biaya

Langkah 2: Sepakati Pekerjaan dan Pembayaran

Setuju untuk mempekerjakan dengan meminta penawaran dari freelancer. Periksa detail dan lakukan pembayaran untuk mulai bekerja.

Langkah 3: Freelancer mengirimkan hasil dan pemberi kerja menyetujui pekerjaan tersebut

Ketika freelancer menyerahkan pekerjaan akhir untuk menyelesaikan kontrak, pemberi kerja dapat memeriksanya terlebih dahulu. Pemberi kerja bisa memeriksa dan meminta untuk revisi atau menyetujui hasil tersebut sesuai kesepakatan.


Platform Fastwork adalah pihak perantara yang akan menyimpan uang pemberi kerja sebagai keamanan dan freelancer akan mendapatkan uang setelah pemberi kerja menyetujuinya.