Precise and Affordable Translation Services
I offer professional translation services between English and Indonesian, ensuring accurate and culturally appropriate translations for various document types, including academic papers, business reports, legal documents, and creative content. With over three years of experience, I am committed to delivering high-quality translations tailored to your specific needs. Client satisfaction is my top priority, and I am dedicated to providing reliable and timely service.
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Harga paket untuk Precise and Affordable Translation Services
Rp100,0 rbWord Limit: Up to 1,000 words. Services Included: 1. Accurate and natural translation (English to Indonesian or Indonesian to English). 2. Basic grammar and spelling check. 3. Suitable for simple documents such as letters, essays, or product descriptions.
Rp200,0 rbWord Limit: Up to 3,000 words. Services Included: 1. Accurate and natural translation (English to Indonesian or Indonesian to English). 2. Proofreading to ensure perfect grammar and fluency. 3. Suitable for business documents, reports, and creative writing.
Rp300,0 rbWord Limit: up to 10,000 words. Services Included: 1. Accurate and natural translation (English to Indonesian or Indonesian to English). 2. Comprehensive proofreading and editing for publication-ready results. 3. Suitable for business documents, reports, and creative writing.
Diskusi tentang Detail dan Ringkasan pekerjaan yang Anda inginkan dengan freelancer. Anda belum akan dikenakan biaya
Setuju untuk mempekerjakan dengan meminta penawaran dari freelancer. Periksa detail dan lakukan pembayaran untuk mulai bekerja.
Ketika freelancer menyerahkan pekerjaan akhir untuk menyelesaikan kontrak, pemberi kerja dapat memeriksanya terlebih dahulu. Pemberi kerja bisa memeriksa dan meminta untuk revisi atau menyetujui hasil tersebut sesuai kesepakatan.
Platform Fastwork adalah pihak perantara yang akan menyimpan uang pemberi kerja sebagai keamanan dan freelancer akan mendapatkan uang setelah pemberi kerja menyetujuinya.