I Will Bring Your Imagination to Life with Cute Kawaii Stickers and Mascots!


Introducing our Cute Kawaii Sticker and Mascot Design Service. We specialize in creating charming and unique kawaii animal stickers and custom mascots. Our designs are original, high-quality, and tailored to your specific needs. Add a touch of cuteness and personality to your brand or project with our adorable creations. What you'll receive: Artwork in a 2000x2000px resolution All format files (JPG/PNG/PSD) High-resolution designs Full support for both printing and web applications What you need to provide: A clear description of the cute kawaii animal sticker or mascot design you're seeking If possible, provide sketches or references to help convey your vision Why choose us: Top-notch quality in cute kawaii animal stickers and mascots Original, hand-drawn designs with no templates Custom creations tailored exclusively for your needs Prompt responses and quick turnaround NOTE: The price listed in the package does not include the vector file, which has a separate pricing structure. Please feel free to contact me if you require a vector file. Let's bring your cute and kawaii design ideas to life!

Langkah PekerjaanUntuk I Will Bring Your Imagination to Life with Cute Kawaii Stickers and Mascots!

  • 1. Describe the background of your company and the design you want
  • 2. Write the company name and slogan if any

Harga paket untuk I Will Bring Your Imagination to Life with Cute Kawaii Stickers and Mascots!

1 Cute Sticker Character - Flat color - High Resolution - with source files (JPG, PNG )

Rp200,0 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 3 hari

What you'll receive: Artwork in a 2000x2000px resolution All format files (JPG/PNG/PSD) High-resolution designs Full support for both printing and web applications 1 Revision Why choose us: Top-notch quality in cute kawaii animal stickers and mascots Original, hand-drawn designs with no templates Custom creations tailored exclusively for your needs Prompt responses and quick turnaround

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Langkah 1 : Chat dengan freelancer

Diskusi tentang Detail dan Ringkasan pekerjaan yang Anda inginkan dengan freelancer. Anda belum akan dikenakan biaya

Langkah 2: Sepakati Pekerjaan dan Pembayaran

Setuju untuk mempekerjakan dengan meminta penawaran dari freelancer. Periksa detail dan lakukan pembayaran untuk mulai bekerja.

Langkah 3: Freelancer mengirimkan hasil dan pemberi kerja menyetujui pekerjaan tersebut

Ketika freelancer menyerahkan pekerjaan akhir untuk menyelesaikan kontrak, pemberi kerja dapat memeriksanya terlebih dahulu. Pemberi kerja bisa memeriksa dan meminta untuk revisi atau menyetujui hasil tersebut sesuai kesepakatan.


Platform Fastwork adalah pihak perantara yang akan menyimpan uang pemberi kerja sebagai keamanan dan freelancer akan mendapatkan uang setelah pemberi kerja menyetujuinya.