Character Sheet Design
A detailed character sheet drawn in anime style, showcasing the character from multiple perspectives and emotional states. The sheet includes: 1. Full-Body View: A complete depiction of the character, highlighting their full outfit, accessories, and overall design. This view provides a comprehensive look at their proportions and details like shoes, hairstyle, and unique features. 2. Half-Body View: The character is shown from the waist up, focusing on upper-body details such as clothing patterns, gestures, and more defined facial expressions. 3. Three Bust-Up Views: Different Emotions: Each bust-up focuses on a distinct emotional expression (e.g., happy, angry, and surprised). The emphasis is on the character's face and upper shoulders, perfect for conveying personality traits and versatility in expressions. This character sheet is ideal for use in animation, comics, or game development, offering a complete visual reference for the character's design and personality.
Langkah PekerjaanUntuk Character Sheet Design
- 1. TO DO
- 2. WIP
Harga paket untuk Character Sheet Design
Character Refrence Sheet
Rp450,0 rb1. Full-Body View: A complete depiction of the character, highlighting their full outfit, accessories, and overall design. 2. Half-Body View: The character is shown from the waist up, 3. Three Bust-Up Views: Different Emotions: Each bust-up focuses on a distinct emotional expression (e.g., happy, angry, and surprised). The emphasis is on the character's face and upper shoulders, perfect for conveying personality traits and versatility in expressions.
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Platform Fastwork adalah pihak perantara yang akan menyimpan uang pemberi kerja sebagai keamanan dan freelancer akan mendapatkan uang setelah pemberi kerja menyetujuinya.