IOT / PLC Automation Expert / LoRaWAN / Thingsboard / AWS & Azure IoT / MQTT


✅ Hello there! My name is Yohanim. My main goal is to provide you with our expertise, skills, and technical knowledge so that your project requirements and priorities are always met, and the project is delivered perfectly and just in time. If any questions arise - please feel free to touch base with me. ✅ What do we do? We provides professional services in areas of IoT, electronic design, embedded systems, kernel and driver development, system and application software development, computer vision, and robotics. ✅ Why choose us? - Reliable electronic design team - All kind of embedded software development - Full-stack software development capability - Dedicated project management - Effective testing techniques - Expected delivery - Support and maintenance - Privacy security ✅ How do we cooperate? - Project-based outsourcing - Dedicated development team - Research & development - Technology consulting - Solutions for startups ✅ Industries we work with • IoT/consumer devices • Smart Home • Wearables • Industry • Healthcare • Sports • Entertainment

Langkah PekerjaanUntuk IOT / PLC Automation Expert / LoRaWAN / Thingsboard / AWS & Azure IoT / MQTT

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Harga paket untuk IOT / PLC Automation Expert / LoRaWAN / Thingsboard / AWS & Azure IoT / MQTT

IoT / Electronic / Microcontroller / Hardware Engineer

Rp499,9 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 5 hari

IoMT (or IoHT) Remote health monitoring Connected hospital Robotic education Interactive classroom Attendance tracking Fleet management Asset tracking Predictive maintenance Inventory management Route optimization Livestock monitoring Remote equipment monitoring Smart greenhouse Agricultural drones Wearable tech Personal asset tracking Security systems Home security system Smart home appliances Energy efficiency Preventive maintenance Smart stadium Remote asset monitoring

Firmware, Robot Development

Rp1,9 jt
Waktu pengerjaan 10 hari

✅ Robotic Development: • Flying drones • Robots on wheels • Autonomous movement Technologies: • RTOS, ROS, Linux, OpenCV, Visual SLAM ✅ Firmware development: - Arduino, AtMega, ESP8266 MCUs - STM8 and STM32 MCUs - STM HAL and Stm32CubeMX/IDE - FreeRTOS, LwIP - OpenWRT, Debian Linux ECAD software: • Altium Designer • Eagle Cad • Cadence Allegro • OrCAD • KiCad

ESP32, STM32, nRF52, Arduino, Electronic Design

Rp2,9 jt
Waktu pengerjaan 14 hari

✅ Electronic Design: • Embedded hardware • Power electronics • PCB design and layout • FPGA design Platforms: • STMicroelectronics (STM32Fxxx) • Espressif Systems (ESP8266, ESP32) • Nordic Semiconductor (nRF51xxx/52xxx) • Microchip/Atmel (PIC24/32, SAM, AVR) • NXP (iMX 6/7/8 Series) • Allwinner (H3/A20/33/64) • Texas Instruments (CCxxxx, MSPxxx) • Infineon (XMC, Aurix) • Silicon Labs • Cypress Semiconductor • Xilinx • Intel

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