Logo + Visual Identity + Branding
With over eight years of professional experience and numerous logo projects, I can help you with your logo design needs. I specialize in creating bespoke logos for personal brands, startup companies, big businesses, or even organizations. On the right, you will see 3 packages that fit your needs. • Logo package. Comes with a 100% original logo and a usage guide (one-sheet). • Visual identity package. Comes with a 100% original logo and personalized brand guidelines. • Branding package. Comes with a 100% original logo, personalized brand guidelines, and branded assets of up to 5 items. For every package, I will also deliver: • The logo in full-color version and monochrome • Logo in AI, PDF, PNG, JPG, and EPS format for print and digital purposes I am also open for consultation if you are still unsure which package you should choose.
Langkah PekerjaanUntuk Logo + Visual Identity + Branding
- 1. Receiving brief + consultation
- 2. Start working
Harga paket untuk Logo + Visual Identity + Branding
Rp499,0 rb• Approved logo in color and grayscale • Logo in JPEG, PNG, PDF, and EPS format • One-sheet logo guideline in PDF format
Visual Identity
Rp799,0 rb• Approved logo in color and grayscale • Logo in JPEG, PNG, PDF, and EPS format • Visual identity guidelines in PDF format
Rp999,0 rb• Approved logo in color and grayscale • Logo in JPEG, PNG, PDF, and EPS format • Brand guidelines in PDF format • Up to 5 branded items of your choosing
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Platform Fastwork adalah pihak perantara yang akan menyimpan uang pemberi kerja sebagai keamanan dan freelancer akan mendapatkan uang setelah pemberi kerja menyetujuinya.