Software Quality Assurance


Hello im Fariz Aufar Sugandi i stands out as a Software Quality Assurance (SQA) professional, bringing three years of unwavering dedication and expertise to the realm of software quality. With a profound mastery of technical skills, an in-depth understanding of the software development life cycle, and an unwavering commitment to ensuring quality. Im Graduated Information Systems from BINUS UNIVERSITY and myProfessional Journey, I was work on 1 year on Bank Mandiri as a IT Functional Consultant, and now i work on Jenius Digital Bank from BTPN as Software Quality Assurance for almost 3 years.

Langkah PekerjaanUntuk Software Quality Assurance

  • 1. 1. Customer Explains Requirements
  • 2. 2. Process of describing Work and Employment Contracts

Harga paket untuk Software Quality Assurance

Website Manual Testing

Rp350,0 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 5 hari

Software/Application testing, both Website and Mobile based. Costumers will get: 1. Create test scenarios, 2. Doing Testing 3. Create Bug/defect report 4. Testing results will be submitted along with all the data. 5. Discussion of testing results and fixing results 6. I will also propose solution options for the bugs found if necessary. *The duration of the work depends on how large and complex the website is

Mobile Manual Testing (Android&IOS)

Rp350,0 rb
Waktu pengerjaan 5 hari

Software/Application testing, both Website and Mobile based. Costumers will get: 1. Create test scenarios, 2. Doing Testing 3. Create Bug/defect report 4. Testing results will be submitted along with all the data. 5. Discussion of testing results and fixing results 6. I will also propose solution options for the bugs found if necessary. *The duration of the work depends on how large and complex the website is

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Langkah 1 : Chat dengan freelancer

Diskusi tentang Detail dan Ringkasan pekerjaan yang Anda inginkan dengan freelancer. Anda belum akan dikenakan biaya

Langkah 2: Sepakati Pekerjaan dan Pembayaran

Setuju untuk mempekerjakan dengan meminta penawaran dari freelancer. Periksa detail dan lakukan pembayaran untuk mulai bekerja.

Langkah 3: Freelancer mengirimkan hasil dan pemberi kerja menyetujui pekerjaan tersebut

Ketika freelancer menyerahkan pekerjaan akhir untuk menyelesaikan kontrak, pemberi kerja dapat memeriksanya terlebih dahulu. Pemberi kerja bisa memeriksa dan meminta untuk revisi atau menyetujui hasil tersebut sesuai kesepakatan.


Platform Fastwork adalah pihak perantara yang akan menyimpan uang pemberi kerja sebagai keamanan dan freelancer akan mendapatkan uang setelah pemberi kerja menyetujuinya.